Curriculum Vitae

Academic Career and Positions


Goldsmiths, University of London (UK): Research Fellow at the Centre for Comparative Literature

since 2022

Hölderlin-Society: Elected Member of the Research Board

since 2020

Academy of Science and Literature Mainz: Member of the Young Academy


Charles University Prague (CZ): Guest Lecturer (funded by DAAD)


Leuphana University of Lüneburg: Elected Participant in the Professor Trainee Program “ProScience”


Leuphana University of Lüneburg: Research and Teaching Fellow („Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin“) at the Institute of German Language and Literature and Didactics (Section for Literary Studies)


University of Konstanz: Teaching Assignment


Association of the Universities in Bavaria: Award of the Certificate of University Teaching of the Bavarian Universities


Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Teaching Assignment


German Literature Archive Marbach: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Research Stay.    Archive research and completion of the book on Schiller’s Laura cycle (Publishing funded by Boehringer Ingelheim Siblings Foundation for the Humanities)


Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Teaching Assignment 


Università degli Studi di Catania (IT): Guest Lecturer (funded by DAAD)


University of Aberdeen (UK): Guest Lecturer (funded by DAAD)


Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Teaching Assignment 


Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg: Teaching Assignment 


Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg: STAY!-Fellow. Continuation of work on the monograph on Schiller’s Laura Cycle.


Classic Foundation Weimar: Postdoctoral Fellowship. Archival research for a book project on the Laura cycle in Schiller’s Anthology on the Year 1782. Preparation of a monograph.


Ph.D. Thesis


Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg:

Overall grade:summa cum laude” (“excellent”, highest possible degree) 

Title: Polarisations of Antiquity. Antiquity and Occident in Conflict – Modelling a Cultural Conflict in the Age of Enlightenment (Print funded by the Fonte-Foundation for the Promotion of Young Scholars in the Humanities)


In accordance with §4.4 of the doctoral regulations in Freiburg, it was possible to receive a Ph.D. as first and highest possible university degree at the same time. The condition was that one had completed all subject courses and foreign languages as in the Magister and that one had to be examined in all subjects of studies (‘Rigorosum’) after submitting the dissertation.




Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg:

Ph.D. Studies: Modern German Literature, Political Science, Philosophy


Humboldt University of Berlin and Free University of Berlin:

Studies in the Context of a Secondary Auditorium (acquisition of advanced seminar certificates and participation in colloquia)


Università Roma Tre and Sapienza Università di Roma:

Erasmus: Italian Studies, Art History 

(funded by a fellowship from the “German National Academic Foundation” for Excellent Students)


Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg:

Magister Studies: German Literature, Political Science, Philosophy.

Until 2009 voluntary additional participation in university courses of History, Classical Philology, Romance Studies, Slavonic Studies and Medical Studies (funded by a fellowship of the (“German National Academic Foundation” for Excellent Students)


Herder-Gymnasium (Grammar School) Cologne: A-Level (“Abitur”). Overall grade “Excellent” (sehr gut 1,2)